It took approximately an hour for me to come up with anything to write about. Such is the state that my once fertile (albeit fresh) mind is in right now. Allow me to declare that an accomplished scribe is not what I consider myself to be; nor a competent one. At least not as it were before or that which I had set out to be. With that out of the way, let's begin this incoherent rambling of a person seeking the last vestiges of his relevancy.
I used to rebel for the sake of being a rebel; as people immune or oblivious to clichés would call, "a rebel without a cause". As much as one would love to detest one's self looking back at all that naivety, suffice to say that during those formative years and up to this day, I can truly divulge that I have come full circle philosophically. That is to say, I went from being a staunch Marxist all the way to an Objectivist; and what a turbulent journey for my conscience it was.
I have found that after all these years, there is still one thing that I vehemently oppose: religion -- or as I would like to deconstruct as "Self perpetuating, organized indoctrination of hate, mysticism and blind faith". On that note, maybe I should re-title this post as "Sticking it to God", but it would be fitting if I were to save it for one of my future posts. Besides, I don't exactly oppose the concept of God as a transcendental form of existence; just the way it is portrayed and understood by lay people who have been unfortunate enough to be victims of religion.
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